Several readers asked me to share my recipe for Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes after I mentioned them in a recent post. So here it is.
This is an old fashioned pancake recipe, adapted to Ecuadorian ingredients.
I use quinoa flour, local brown cane sugar, raw milk,and the small, tart, delicious fresh organic blueberries that the indigenous bring down from the mountains to market each week.
Ecuador Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes
1 cup unbleached flour (harina de trigo)
1/2 cup quinoa flour (harina de quinoa)
4 tsp. baking powder (la levadura en polvo)
1 tsp. salt or sea salt (sal de mar)
1 Tbsp. brown sugar (azucar moreno)
1 1/4 cup milk (leche)
1 egg (huevo)
3 Tbsp. melted butter (mantequilla)
1 tsp. vanilla (vainilla)
1 cup fresh blueberries (morteno)
1. Combine and sift the dry ingredients together in a medium bowl.
2. Mix together the beaten egg, milk, melted butter and vanilla, then add to dry ingredients, mixing until most of the lumps are dissolved.
3. Gently fold blueberries into the batter.
4. Make pancakes as usual on a greased hot griddle or skillet.
5. Serve with butter, honey, molasses, maple syrup, or a fruit syrup. In Ecuador, we love mora (blackberry) syrup, which is available in many shops around the main city park in Ibarra.
6. For extra decadence, add a pile of fresh sliced strawberries or other fruit and a few dollops of whipped cream.
Makes about 12 fairly large pancakes. Buen provecho!
Note: I use coarse local sea salt that I crush in a mortar and pestle. Here in Ecuador we can purchase raw organic milk with almost an inch of cream on top. We just had some delivered to our door yesterday. Price: $1.00 for 2 liters